Randy Winn - 1954
North American T-28C
The original Trojan,
as it became known, had a frameless canopy and a Wright
R-1300 engine. After test and evaluation, the Air Force
eventually ordered 1,194 T-28s. The United Sates Navy
and Marine Corps also adopted the T-28 ordering it with
the more-powerful Wright R-1820-86 engine (1425 hp). 489
standardized versions T-28Bs and 299 T-28Cs were
produced for the Navy. The C models were fitted with an
arrester gear for carrier-deck landing training.
In 1962, North American began supplying T-28Ds for the
counter-insurgency role. Six under wing hard points were
added in order for the aircraft to accept a variety of
weapons. The T-28 saw action in both Southeast Asia and
North Africa. The attack trainer version of the T-28D
was called the AT-28D. France's Sud-Aviation converted
over 240 T-28Ds into Fennecs and used them as
replacements for their Algerian-based T-6s. Fennecs
performed admirably in the close-support, reconnaissance
and patrol roles.
The T-28's service career, though long, was finally
ended by the introduction of the T-34 turboprop trainer,
but the T-28 lives on as one of the most popular
piston-powered warbirds in the USA, as well as several
other countries.
